Principles of Creation

biblical wisdom for your life's purpose and work

Principles of Creation is a webinar series that walks you through the processes of creation to help you design, develop and deliver a worthwhile enterprise, quality of life, and vision of your future in your own image.

Principles of Creation draws on  ideas and insights, principles and practices from the creation narratives of scripture for their usefulness and wisdom; principles and practices that are evident in our own acts of creation as human beings.

Principles of Creation will help you get your good ideas 'out there' and  'off the ground', get clear about what you want and why, and ways to go about it collaboratively and intelligently. The workbook is designed to help people with a burning desire turn their seed of an idea and their grand thoughts into organised and intelligently directed plans of action.

I am confident that Principles of Creation will go a long way towards you realising the potential of your Creator in whose image you are created. You are, after all, His finest and best work, fashioned in His image to create in the earth your finest and best work. 

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