Olive Branch

Community Church

A safe space to grow in the faith

About Us

"OB," as we are affectionately known, is the name of the Bradford-based church started in 2012 by Tony & Dee Bryce.

At OB, we believe the worship of Jesus Christ, the teaching of the Bible and Christian fellowship are 'Wells of Salvation'.  

Through these channels of grace we strengthen our spiritual values, so that they positively affect our lives, and find wisdom for the circumstances of life.

Our Message

We believe, practice and teach that our spiritual leader, Jesus Christ, is the Prince of Peace and the best answer to the concerns of humanity. Accordingly, we create safe spaces for people to find 'answers of peace' from the Prince of Peace. By answers of peace, we mean:

"knowledge, insights and wisdom from the Bible that when acted upon, enable us to respond to the circumstances of our lives in ways that equip us to be resourceful."

The concept of answers of peace is premised on (Genesis 41:16 KJV), which shows how acting on trustworthy spiritual insight, enabled a nation to prepare for what was coming and to find ways to practically manage a difficult situation, so that they not only survived it, but were able to thrive during it, and secure a favourable outcome.

Our Sunday Service

We open our doors on Sundays from 10:30 am for prayer and serve tea and coffee until 10:50 am. Our meeting begins at 11 am, with our asking Holy Spirit to meet us through our 'Wells of Salvation.'

With the support of our Service Leaders and musicians, prayer is followed by bible readings and the singing of psalms, hymn and spiritual songs (Well#1). The next feature of our meeting is teaching from the scriptures, when we learn and reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus and how we might do likewise (Well #2).

Once our meeting has 'ended' at 12.30 pm, naturally occurring small group conversations continue around more refreshments, as we enjoy what it means to be the family of God and experience the support and good company of like-minded others (Well #3).

During the meeting, there are break out spaces for primary school aged children and their parents/carers, and after the meeting, a European-sized sports hall, equipped with bats and balls, is available to our children and youth and the 'big kids' in our congregation.

Our Vision

"We see thirsty people gathering to draw living waters and the joy of the Lord from our Wells of Salvation. We see them meeting with Jesus at our Wells. We see them running, returning, and inviting others to meet Jesus at our Wells of Salvation (John 4).

We see them drinking deeply from our Wells: we see them enjoying life in Jesus, the wisdom of His Way and the good company of His People. We see them learning, loving, and living out their faith in the world with joy (Isaiah 12:3).

We see them become Wells of Salvation to others: carriers of living waters and the joy of the Lord to thirsty people and lands" (John 7:37).

"May we take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our page. We seek to provide safe spaces where people feel welcomed and valued, and are encouraged to grow into the people God would have us be.  This happens as we gather together for connection, worship and as we study what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, and apply his teaching to our lives. We believe that through these channels God has provided for many of our needs. We hope to see you soon and look forward to welcoming you." 

Tony & Dee

Our Service Leaders

Whilst pastoral oversight of Olive Branch Community Church is provided by its senior leaders, the gathering of Olive Branch Community Church happens in collaboration with Service Leaders.  Our Service Leaders are Norma Gordon-King, Alastair and Marjorie Brown and Dexter and Tiane Roberts.

Our Venue

We meet at Hope Park Workspaces, Bradford, West Yorkshire, off the M606. With ample parking, our venue consists of classrooms, dining kitchen, office spaces, disabled toilet, a prayer and counselling room and access to a European -size sports hall, courtesy of Hope Park Workspaces.

Hope Park Workspaces is the admin hub and registered office of Olive Branch Community Church.

Our Core Values

At OB, we are known for our joy and ease of relating. We seek to do life together based on the practices of high support and high challenge and mutual care, as our faith community builds itself in love.

We are keen to be a safe and restorative household of faith where feelings of belonging and the ability to participate feature strongly, where people find in each other's company wisdom for circumstances of life.

Our Statement of Faith

"We believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended into Hades; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. 

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the universal church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting."

Our Benediction

The Lord is like the dew of Israel to us - while we are at rest in Him, the dew of His presence rests upon, refreshes and covers everything concerning us. Because of the dew of His presence, we are growing as the lily - we are seeing luxuriant growth and beautiful and colourful fruit in the lives of the people who dwell under our shade (Hosea 14:5-7). 

We are sending down our roots into the bedrock of His Word and into the underground Wells of Holy Spirit, for His Word and Holy Spirit supply strength, nurture the growth of our fruits, and the reach and influence of our branches and cause our Cedars to flourish. Planted in His house we are flourishing in His courts (Psalms 92:13).

We are seeing the people who dwell under our shade growing as the corn - first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear (Mark 4:28). We see them becoming fruitful as the vine. 

A testimony to the Father's husbandry, the work of Holy Spirit and our abiding in the Vine, Olive Branch Community Church is becoming like the wines of Lebanon – renowned, fragrant, and delightful. The olive branch of His planting, the work of His hand, for the display of His splendour" (Isaiah 60:21).

Our Welcome

Our church family extends to you an invitation to become active in the life and work of Olive Branch Community Church. 

We especially want to introduce those who attend our Sunday morning meetings to our spiritual leader, and supreme teacher, Jesus Christ, and to a flourishing life of faith in His Way.  A warm welcome awaits!


@ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Olive Branch Community Church, Hope Park Workspaces, Lower Ground Floor, Sports Hall Entrance, Trevor Foster Way, Bradford, BD5 8HB (Sat Nav. BD5 8HW)


07723 042 820



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& Place

Olive Branch Community Church currently do not meet in person the last Sunday of the month

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